We live in a beautiful world! Can you stay there, for a moment, in the warm feeling of the meaning of these words: a beautiful world… still there?! Or did the climate change theory everyone might have heard of made you cringe?

I do agree that with the fact that we need to be cautious and sensible about an issue that may threaten our existence. I also agree with the fact that an information or an idea must be questioned, proved, thoroughly studied, and presented in a way that still gives hope because “Hell is the place where there is nor Hope!”, hope that a solution is already on its way, and maybe hope that we might have been rather wrong about the severity of the case.

I do love this world we live in, so as soon as I heard about the climate change ideas I became interested and engaged in contemplating and spreading it. But in the process I stopped every now and again and wondered “why this?” or “why that?”

Are we really too many living in this world as we are told?

Is the climate changing that drastically?

Is the reproduction of humanity, designed to survive and thrive, indeed self destructing?

And if the Western world does not run factories and produce as before for the sake of this climate change ideology, then should not someone in this world produce them?

We accuse China that polutes but we buy from China desperately what they produce by “disturbing” the climate.

I do not have answer to your questions about climate change but I have an idea.

I remember the Mahatma Gandhi’s words: “There is enough for everyone’s need but not for everyone’s greed” and I would extrapolate: “The climate can absorb enough for all in the process of producing for our need but will probably not withstand if we produce for our greed”. So there is hope and there is room for us to live and breathe and create and… yes, in this beautiful world.

And for your peace of mind please watch the video below about China’s ( and few other producing countries) concern about climate change issues.

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