My grandma’ used to say to me: “do not envy rich people as for them the sugar is just as sweet and the flour is just as white as they are for you”.

Leaders do come across accruing more than they need. Some become leaders especially to achieve fortune and some leaders have to achieve a fortune in order to lead the others where they see they can lead them. Leaders that lead land, people, states and governments will need to get in the power circles in order to lead power. The question is how one is administering the riches they accrued, how they manage them, in the favor of the many or in disfavor of the many affected by the long and short effects of the mass resources management.

I, personally, as a simple and modest person, as a leader of opinion expressed here in this website, I do not envy the leaders that lead in the political arena: presidents, kings, lords, ministers, or senators. I am perfectly aware of the amount of responsibility they assume, of the risks they take just for expressing a personal opinion and life threatening circumstances they come across, the narrow and slim odds they have to face… They are exposed to the darkest secrets of the humanity and of their own countries and they will have to handle as carefully and as diplomatically they can these dark sides until they can managed at least if they get out of control, they will have to make difficult choices and witness the most compromising situations with strong faith and in the middle of the “hell of the unknown and hopelessness” they HAVE to find hope for their people not for themselves…

I do admire them, I do pray for them and I do what I can to support them, morally, trying to bring in your attention the side of the leadership many overlook: the ideology, the core of their morale engine, what drives them and where, their message as public personalities detached from their private lives everyone has the right to have 100% in their own terms.

I invite you to evaluate and asses a leader, by their political stand, aspirations or programs, by their achievements by their attitude, not by the size of fortune they have as they may simply brag to intimidate adversaries, and at the end of the day the joys they have are just as big as the joys you have they maybe just on a different financial tier.

They need our morale support, to boost their moral strength which makes their will stronger.

They need our admiration and admiring someone will fill our hearts with joy.

They need us to believe in them, as there is no bigger proof of love than to be trusted.

Some will disappoint us, some will betray us, some will desert us, but some will make miracles and restore our trust and love us back and believe in us back and make us feel it was worth every penny to get over the ones that cheated, betrayed, or disappointed.

I would like to share with you the John Maxwell’s leadership perspective that I am impressed with.

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