Our Calling

We are a very small and modest team that searches and explores the world events that are most about to shape the future, in order to understand, not to assume, to assess not to fall into fear, to hope rather than getting trapped into pessimism and cynicism gaps.

The world is changing and changing and changing, and we know vaguely the direction but we do not know how will it affect us, the challenges will makes us suffer in the way, how soon we may have to compromise, or what are the good things to look forward to, or the changes will bring relief.

In this transition towards a new world some countries that suffered for a long time see the sun shine. Some other countries that focused on the well-being at the expense of getting in debt will have to restrain or to re-adjust themselves in a way or another to self-sufficiency again which is not easy.

The main focus of this News Website is the BRICS countries for the following reasons:

  1. The real changes in this world are happening thanks to these countries that united together under the latest and most advanced democracy redefined concepts. These concepts are new, most inspiring, surprising and unexpected for many of us.
  2. As we publish from London, UK, information about the BRICS is overlooked as Uk is part of the older union of countries, the Western World that had, for few decades, a strong influence nearly over the entire world. This Western World partially left behind by the emerging countries (BRICS) is still to redefine its future adjustments, its relationship with these emerging countries that left for a different aspiration, opinion and opportunities they consider more advanced and more fulfilling. Western Worlds intention is to stick to the same goals it had for decades and only to adjust, so not many changes are intended.
  3. Because we publish here in the UK we do count on the fact that the Main Media already presents what is new and important from the Western World so you do not need to know it from us as well, although, occasionally we may voice our opinion about some Western World events.
  4. We noticed a worry and a concern in the Main Western Media in presenting any news, and our wish is to (re)present them in a more optimistic way, as someone wisely said “It is not what you say, but how you say it!” and we strongly believe that: ANY NEWS ARE GOOD BECAUSE YOU KNOW THEM, as knowing what you may not like or expect still gives you the chance to regroup, realign, re-purpose, instead of being taken by surprise.

It is a calling, a vocation, for the moment at least, not a duty, a commitment to do our best to understand what is happening in the world, for ourselves and compelled to share it with you as well.

Any comments, suggestions and advice or constructive criticism is most welcome and appreciated, and please, do enjoy exploring our website!

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