Let us try to see all parts here, not just Russia and Ukraine.

We have Russia.

We have the Western World that hosts an elite circle that maintain and operate a financial machine that enslaves all countries in the Western World and few many others except the BRICS and some aspirants forcing them to borrow beyond their means, as one that is heavily indebted is the perfect slave.

We have the Ukraine, a nation, people that do not know the difference between what it means on the long term to get enslaved under the Western World or to pursue a self-sufficiency under Russia protectorate along with BRICS nations and other aspirants. THEY DO NOT KNOW the difference.

We have the Ukrainian land that now is quasi-administered by the Western puppet leaders since 2014, and Russia tried for 8 years to remove this puppet regime peacefully.

The people of Ukraine does not know that Western World is ruled based on debt trap enslavement, while Russia fought for 25 years to get out of this debt trapping illusion and they do not know that Russia can help Ukraine to get out as well before it is too late. Ukrainian people do not know this, so it would be fair not to let Ukraine people to decide what they want.

When these western leaders promote the idea that Ukraine should “chose” its own future they mean “Ukraine should be lead to believe they want what they think they want but what is in fact not in their best interest”

The forces that know what is Ukraine exposed to are: Russia, that want Ukraine to get self-sufficient and Western World that want to swallow Ukraine and debt trap Ukraine like any other Western Country, and the Ukraine leaders that report to the Western World since 2014 they know that they are leading Ukraine people towards enslavement if they continue with their NATO and EU aspirations.

These are the 2 forces, Russia and the Western Elites, the forces that know what Ukraine can become. So the argument debate is between them.

Russia is very near to Ukraine as neighbor, has same origins and Christian Orthodox faith, has relatives intertwined with Ukraine for many generations, is a very strong emerging economy, is successful and more advanced financially and technologically, is part and lead member of the BRICS block, can assist and guide Ukraine towards self-sufficiency, give to Ukraine loans from BRICS Development Bank without preconditions.

Western World Elites would just lend Ukraine a lot of money based on humiliating preconditions, alter and reduce its industry and agriculture, would force Ukraine to sell all the lands rich of resources to foreign investors so that these foreign investors can exploit them at a low price, the 4th world African style neo-colonialism that the African countries struggle to escape, introduce the LGBTQ agenda, allow recreational drug traffic to blossom apply demographic planing that means reduce the population…

I can not continue anymore it hurts, man, it hurts!

You decide for yourself who should win in all this ridiculous Western puppetry kabuki.

All these pupets here in this youtube video below speak what they have to speak because they are Western Ideology “slaves”. All countries with leaders that entertain the Western elites are heavily indebted to the point that they will never be able to pay these debts and are controlled by the elites they are indebted to not in their best interest.

The chart of human rights is an expired, outgrown document, a document that speaks about democracy and freedom in a way that still can be manipulated for the wrong reasons.

Russia is preparing to present in the BRICS block the CHART OF MULTIPOLARITY. A chart that speaks about democracy and freedom in the context of financial selfsuficiency, financial freedom, respect and non interference in the internal affairs of a country to overthrow governments and install puppets that sell the country’s most precious resources in shameful deals, enslaving people for many generations, a chart that will protect a nations from the forces that ordinary people can not protect themselves from because they do not know how these forces operate, a chard that exposes the financial colonialism a chart that will change the world, because this man, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is changing the world, is tailoring his own politics, never mind what these parrots are mumbling here in the video below.

All this talk they talk is nothing but humble-mumble quaick… quaick… quaick…

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