helping hand of china, map of china in hand on dark background

If China wanted to build an empire, China would have already built one.

China amassed a huge amount of resources due to its hard work, laborious and intense scientific research and economic development. In the last 10 years China changed its status from a poor country that allows foreigners to use its work force for foreign production, to a nation that wants to use more and more of its workforce for own projects, for own production, for own development. China built massively in the last 30 years, most advanced technological bridges, roads, buildings, equipped digitally and still China is in the position to have to spend a lot of money that is not wise to hide under the mattress.

What would China still spend money on?

China following Russia’s agenda to support as many country as possible with what help can be provided decided to build around the world based on loans to be repaid back in time, and China built massively in Africa, in Asia, Europe, Latin America, the Belt and Road Initiative as a huge project that administer together airline and maritime routes, air-ports and roads. All these projects China completed and complete further more are China’s long term investment of its own hard worked money, it is not debt issued by banks out of thin air, it is not overnight sensational speculators investment return, hard worked money of a nation that produced and produced and produced for a whole world that paid China 10% and sold cashing in their pockets 90% in revenue.

Yes, one with a lot of money in their hands has a lot of power, and one that you owe money to has power over you, but if someone has power over you, it does not mean they will use it or they will abuse it or they will corner you. Financial colonizers would indeed, overthrow governments, create promising schemes that are ripping off poor countries, corner institutions around the world and force large entities (states, organisations) to borrow money with humiliating preconditions, they will use power over you even before you owe them money, or in binding conditions with them.

China offered its workforce for these foreign construction projects, and apparently China built more than the whole Western World in the last 10 years with the view to invest money instead of buying US Bonds ( a financial way to say you lend money to the US government when you buy a US Bond), to avoid depositing the money in European banks that would place sanctions to force China keep low profile as they already face hidden sanction.

If China can be called an empire because China found a useful way to invest by helping other countries, as no one today does trust European banks and US Bonds market, at least China as “empire” is a lot less imperialistic, than other previous empires.

Where ever China built anything did not put conditions for that government to adopt LGBTQ agenda, did not put conditions for the local bank authorities to become “independent” which means not to answer to the nation’s needs but to report to the World Banks, did not ask for raw resources without giving the local industries a chance to process them offering the due work opportunity to the local people.

Do not fall for the anti-China sentiment. It is a pure Western World propaganda threatened because China is preferred as trading and investing partner.

I would like to introduce below YouTube Western influencers that can show you a real China than the one stained and “corrupted” in the Main Stream Media.

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