Is France, Germany or Italy independent?
No, none of them is independent. EU took the “vassalage” notion to a further meaning in the modern history. The European states can not even meet other countries’ diplomats without the presence of Ursula Von Der Leyen, can not travel to other states without a top European commissioner like Ursula Von der Leyen. Can not meet in the G7 meetings without Ursula Von Der Leyen’s presence.
Ridiculous, shameful, outrageous…
Are Canada or Mexico independent? Maybe Mexico considers to lean towards a kind of independence, but Canada is not an independent state. Canada has foreign policy and diplomatic actions often influenced or directly controlled by or let us say “alligned” with the United States. Mexico retains a decent degree of internal autonomy and self-governance. However, its foreign policy and major decisions are usually subject to the approval or even control of the United States, like the refusal to the point of threats towards Mexico if Mexico decides to enter BRICS alliance.
I can continue to give you few more examples of independent states but I consider you got my point.
Tibet is a considerable part of today’s China and will never be independent. NEVER EVER, as no state other than Russia, Israel and China in today’s real life is an independent state. To some lesser degrees Iran and United States (that has a very complicated slight vassalage towards Israel) are maybe independent in a way. But a province like Tibet would need at least 50 years of very brave and strong rulership to become independent if, by God’s Grace they get a leader like Vladimir Putin, which is a narrow and slim chance.
What some bright minds in journalism try convince us about is that the Tibet’s independence headlines is the first step some hidden forces proceed towards corrupting the Tibet to become part of another strong gathering of states and provinces than China, the states, and provinces that are ruled by puppet rulers that report directly to Financial Colonizers, that have an “independent” bank that will never issue monetary policies in the favor of the Tibetan people but in the absolute favor of the international banking system that belongs to some strange entities ruled by not elected people, states and provinces that will not be allowed to collaborate that close to China that is the BIGGEST AND MOST RELIABLE INVESTOR today, or will be forced to open armed conflict with China, states and provinces that will embrace the LGBTQ agenda and ruin their resources for the sake of climate change inspired ideas or estrange their resources for the opportunity of foreign investment…
Do you really think Tibetan people wish to go even through a war to get all these hidden imperialism aspirations aligning with a block of states that are broken and indebted instead of sticking with China aiming self-sufficiency and the first hand help support and investment of the most reliable investor?
I don’t think so.
Anytime you see headlines about a certain state’s independence, it is about the big and mighty Financial Colonialism having had lost its grip on it and trying again to get it back from the blocks and alliances that really help them instead of exploiting them.
And especially anything that can hit China will be brought in the attention, will be revived, will be amplified and will be ridiculously and abusively escalated.
Dalai Lama is a spiritual leader, first. Secondly, Dalai Lama tries to re-“ward” the obvious claim made under outside foreign pressure saying that is not Independence that Tibet needs but more autonomy.
He can not run away from the pressure US constantly put on him to separate ideologically, religiously, morally, strategically and, who knows? soon absolute de facto from China, a high, very high pressure by arranging personal meetings for Dalai Lama with US presidents: Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, George W. Bush…
What you need to know is that they, the financial colonizers, the “fighters for democracy” will never stop trying again and again and again to invade countries first with false claims pretending as coming from these states then with activists that spread lies at the normal people’s level and instigate to violence or revolts against the real best interest of the whole country.
We are not living anymore in a world divided by a half that is poor and fiercely isolated and a half that pretends to be richer by spending over its means. That was a world that made a clear contrast that was convincing. We live in a world boiling of change and rearranging, unmasking the real wealth of the Western World and the countries that once poor are not at the mercy of colonizers but can have real help from really wealthy countries like China and Russia. Today, the choice is not that difficult to make between leaning towards Western World or not. Only a corrupt leader would prefer the “democracy” of a debt-trapping system that would erode the most traditional and treasured values, or aspiring to self-sufficiency and real independence and autonomy supported by BRICS block.