“Ukraine leaders asks themselves how to tell their own people that they have to give up territories after so many military losses”. It looks like it is too late. They had to put this questions before refusing negotiations in March 2022 when Russia offered a generous peace offer. The refusal for negotiations was followed by opening the fire to the Russian Army. These leaders dragged Ukraine in the war and they will face consequences.

And again my question: why do Ukrainian want to rule over territories where people speak Russian , not Ukrainian, identify themselves as Russian nationality not Ukrainian nationality and do not want to enter EU and NATO.

Ukraine cam back to the March 2022 point a few hundreds of thousands soldiers death and lost territories because Ukraine wanted to have eat a cake and still have it too. Ukrainian leaders do not try to convince other leaders around the world to stop the Russians aggression. The Ukrainian leaders want to ask leaders around the world to convince Vladimir Putin to give the territories back and stop the Russian aggression, because they took the risk to fight and lost, and they do not want to assume the risk and the losses.

Again my question. Why does Ukraine need territories where live people they hate, as they hate all Russians? it might be only for the land which is not fair. Russian people that live in Russian territories, that for a while was included in the Ukrainian borders, that speak Russian language and identify themselves as Russian nationality deserve to be governed by Russian authorities and the Russian people also died to win this right to be governed by a government that includes them not by a government that hates them but want their land.

When the leaders can not find the right words to tell their people rough and tough things they organize referendum. Some thing will have to make the things look like is not a loss. May it this be a referendum. But Russian territories where live Russian people that identify as Russian nationality and speak Russian language will stay with Russia or independent.

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