Better than he ever did, after all this time,

picking up the pieces of the torn apart Syria without Western World aside…

Visiting these days Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin for a strong, firm and wholehearted handshake along with a genuine smile. A hug would have been there but the height gap would have made it look ridiculous… yet you can consider it would have been a hug as well because Vladimir Vladimirovich is so grateful for anyone who follows him in this exciting journey to change the world along with other BRICS dear friends.

The two presidents have had a rather confidential talk after the following words exchange: “I am very interested in your opinion on how the situation in the region as a whole is developing,” Putin said to Assad. “Unfortunately, there is a tendency towards escalation, we can see that. This also applies directly to Syria.”

Russia has waged a military campaign in Syria since September 2015, teaming up with Iran to allow Assad’s government to fight armed opposition groups and reclaim control over most of the country. While Russia now concentrates the bulk of its military resources in Ukraine, it has maintained a military foothold in Syria and keeps troops at its bases there. Syria looks forward to restore diplomatic relationships wit Turkye as well in order to consolidate a firm and integrated position in the resgion.

Behind the confidential messages we can see that the meeting was reassuring and fulfilling from emotional point of view which, proves the needed strong solidarity barring sanctions both countries face from the Western world. In between the lines we can understand that Syria wants guarantors for the agreement with Turkye, for Turkye to retreat its forces from Idlip, and these guarantors can be Vladimir Putin, Iraq and Iran leaders. Turkye wants collaboration from Syria side for military anti Kurdish trups. Bassar Al Assad instead wishes to treat Kurdish issue diplomatically not collaborating with “illicit” military forces. He will get some valuable insight from the Russian president.

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