What would a modest person like me and you (probably) do with some spare money they have in their wallet? They can please themselves with well deserved treats: nice clothes, nice car, after working a whole week, year, career, then they can donate some to a charity or they can help a friend or someone in need, invest in a hobby, save for a wise future financial security.

A person that earned $1 million can, buy a nicer house, a more expensive car, more elegant clothes.

Someone that earned $billion can buy a place in a parliament or a valuable time-proof, regime-proof, weather-proof business, like in railways, estate or pharmaceutics in a country that allows that sector to be privatized.

What about someone that amassed hundreds of billions?

They can buy a palace, not a house. They can buy a collection of most fancy cars. They can buy an escort agency to have access to the most exquisite good looking and well mannered exciting sexually objectified and subjective-victimized women. Ok, and the rest? Everything a person can buy to explore sensual and egotistic gratification. Ok, and the rest?

The rest left up to the x00 $billions one will have to buy power to maintain power, to preserve its wealth because the wealth comes with huge risks and responsibilities. The fact that power can be bought is not a worry, is a fact and power like any asset has to be bought and achieved by its strict rules, yet the question is what does that person do with that power?

One can use the power they buy, to make a state (Israel state).

One can use the power they buy to abusively buy government backed assets from poor countries and rent them back to those poor people or exploit them unfairly (neocolonialism).

One can use the power they buy to instigate peaceful nations through secret services infiltration and propaganda at normal people’s level to make war, so they have to buy their weapons and enrich themselves from the weapon industry (CIA).

One can use power they feed that country’s enemy lobby at the highest level of governance (Zionist lobby).

One can use the power they buy to accumulate as much farmland available as possibble in a certain country so that they can alter that whole country’s agriculture towards artificial genetically modified food (Bill Gates).

One can use the power they buy to create a WEF branch of implementing WEF ideologies (Blair Institute).

One can use the power they buy to build the most advanced engineering projects and AI (Elon Musk).

And so on…

What if one uses the power they buy to help nations get free from neocolonialism by organizing and providing them with a private army?

What if one uses the power they buy to initiate alternative more advanced democracy models?

What if one uses the power they buy to consolidate new state structure models of self-sufficiency that can be implemented by other states successfully as well?

What if one uses the power they buy to considerably contribute to changing the world and making it a more advanced from personal freedom and protectionism perspective as well?

What if someone uses the power they buy to edit and launch an even more advanced and adequate for these times document than the United Nations Charter (1945) itself (United Nations Charter is the foundational treaty of the United Nations, it established the organization’s purposes, principles, and structure, aiming to promote peace and cooperation internationally)?

All these “what if”s are not just “what if”s are spending habits of a controversial political figure that makes history today. Even writing his name can stir hate from those who tend to conserve the rich people’s traditional habits.

Wealth is a considerable political vector that can steer a nation or the world itself in a certain direction.

Being rich is huge responsibility. Rich people can not eat more than we eat, their joys of having children and achievements can not be bigger than ours, their hobbies and time off adventures are by no means any more exciting than ours, they are just exposed to the human psyche abysses and destiny’s vicissitudes as we are, and on top of all these ups and downs, goods, bad and unavoidable ugly they have to care on their shoulder the destiny of humanity.

“Who is not happy with what they have, will not be happy with more either” used to say to me my dear Greg Porter Premananda.

Imagine the life of one of the richest people in the world. One that would pay all the hundreds of billions they have, just to get (back) the humble, simple, light and peaceful life of a modest person without the burden of the humanity’s destiny on their shoulders, and they can not, because, as Jesus Christ said: “It is easier for an elephant to go through the ears of a needle than a rich person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven”. The habits, the connections, the engagement in their commitments may be chain locked stronger than one can imagine, the titles, the illusion that you owe the un-own-able, the God’s gifts to us that are to be managed not owned…

Unless you go there with a mission that makes you proud of how you would carry this Atlassic load on your shoulders, you are even more fortunate than this rich person would pay all the money in the world to be simple and peaceful and care free… you are already there.

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