EU started the denigrating campaign against China already, applies hidden sanctions and behaves like 30 years ago when China was opened to any humiliating preconditions for the sake of the opportunity to earn.

Today China is the strongest nation on Earth: 100% independent, technologically advanced , and has enough resources to do what ever they think best for the Chinese interest…

Who is Germany to denigrate China along with the EU, and still dare to “visit” asking and expecting for this and that? China had enough of being fooled and offended in her face: last year they did not roll red carpet for this kind of guests anymore (even Blinken stepped on bare concrete this year) trying to make them understand that double standards are not welcome in an “undemocratic” state like China. Yet, they still do not get it.

These days China tried another nonverbal communicating way to send her desperate message to call for genuine communication, not for double standards one sided requests: the meeting between vice chancellor Robert Habeck and the Chinese PM, Li Qiang was “not possible”.

This is the first meeting with an european official after the EU 38% tariffs on China made EV.

The numerous official , unofficial and hidden sanctions towards Russia and China lead to an unavoidable cold trade war. The escalating part is consequently the EU. China holds EU responsable for not avoiding solutions and programs that suits both parties, or more bluntly said for imposing its own terms instead of collaborating.

Chine produced for Western producers for decades. Now China decide to produce for her own brands and this means that Western brands would not be favored as previously. Western World is used to see China as a slave happy to work for some change accepting any humiliating terms, not as strong competitor and this is EU problem not China’s problem. This reveal one’s character in front of competition.

In my country we use to say: “every <getting used to it> will eventually find its <getting used without it>”

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