NATO is addressing indirectly to China with words that are sawing discord, accusations and mistrust.
NATO proves to be not a defense alliance but a war stirring alliance. There is not yet any conflict with China, but these day’s NATO’ speaker’s words are heading that direction. Who is the instigator?
China or NATO? Most of those who believe in democracy will point to China because China in the Western “democracy”‘s vision is responsible for the thinner and thinner diplomacy Western World countries consider to pursue. This is ego-centrism and passive-aggressiveness, to hold accountable another person for your own escalation.
There was a time when the Western World countries had a massive technological and economical advancement comparing to the countries that were not so “democratic” and this advancement was “explaining the difference” between being democratic and being not democratic.
Little did we know that the Western countries have been through decades of lavish overspending imposed by their “democratic” ideologists from World Economic Forum and one can not spend for ever without paying back debts. It was all sunshine and rainbows up until now while spending but the time to find solutions for addressing the overspending is going to come sooner or later and their “democratic” governments will have, and are already taking un-democratic measurements that will be felt accordingly.
That will be the real testing time for the democracies in the Western World.
I do not find “democratic” in any way to passive-aggressively chide a country however undemocratic one think that country is. NATO speaker’s accuses of “decisive enabler of the Ukraine’s war” are another big proof, if there were not enough already, that the real NATO purpose is: to wage wars and sell weapons. There is nothing defensive in accusing someone, however obviously worthy of accusation that one is.
Diplomacy means communication.
Judgmental attitude means accusation.
China had not been through a thorough investigation and qualified public judging process with the chance to defend itself before being accused in a 32 countries military alliance.
Accusing someone without giving them the right to defend themselves is a judgmental attitude, an attitude the “democratic” world imposes us to spare when is about asserting 86 genders rights, but uses and abuses when is about sawing argument to rip war whenever, where ever and how ever they can.
Politicians who want to spare lives are as diplomatic as possible, like for example the un”democratic” China or autocratic Russia that asked for 8 years negotiations before applying military solutions.
Politicians who want to sell weapons seem to be as emotional and as sensitive and as judgemental as they come across the opportunity. Ironically the Western “democratic” NATO members sound very sensitive and emotional and judgemental dignitaries.
Chinese foreign ministry spokespeson said that China firmly opposes NATO’s smears and attack. And at the end of the day countries around the world can make trade. Even an innocent mattress if you sell, it can be used for a soldier to sleep in the boot-camp and can be classified as warfare trade.