You all know what he just said: “The West and EU provoqued Russia into the war!”

This is a statement already expressed for years by great media influencers from US like John Mersheimer, Scot Ritter, Pepe Escobar, and so many other. He does not inform us of something new. We already know that the expansion of the NATO in 5 challenged, disapproved and heavily criticised by Russia not strong enough to face the breach of mutual understanding, followed by warning waves towards East is the main reason of the Ukrainian conflict. Nigel Farage’s statement is an alignment or an adjustment to a new direction in the UK’s politics.

It is a very bold statement, edgy,that endangers his access to power, but I imagine he thought it through very thoroughly before allowing this declaration to make headlines. He sensed that a strong wind would blow in this direction before confirming his position.

What I would like to bring in your attention is that Nigel Farage proves to be consistent, clear and articulate and has an admirable posture as politician, unlike many European Leader like Manuel Macron, that plays a strategic ambiguity, foggyness and unpredictibility., as this is all one can do being a “lowest level of vasality” status in the EU.

Nigel Farage already won a big battle leading UK to Brexit which does not look like a success now, because economically can not be other than temporary regress after cutting some economic ties, but is a huge step ahead towards the UK’s adjustment to the New World Rearrangement around the BRICS emerging countries that are now in the spotlight and stir the main humanity’s wheel. Most countries in the world, if they are not in the position to adhere to BRICS will at least try to collaborate with them or not, and you would better collaborate because the BRICS countries produce everything is about to be produced. You can have all the money in the world, at the end of the day you do not eat money and you do not wear money and you do not drive money, you buy them if someone produces them.

The Biden Administration is starting to lose the information war. The truth was always out but now a bright light is shed, and a magnifying glass is placed on this truth for the whole world to see and understand it. There will be also a bright light and a magnifying glass on the peace treaty supposed to be signed in Turkey in the spring of year 2022, a decisive moment where Russia and Ukraine met. Russia had performed the special operation in Ukraine February that year, an invasion WITHOUT SHOOTING, just to prompt negotiations. But President Zelensky, dismissed the last REQUEST for negotiations from Russia’s side and ordered Ukraine to open the fire against the Russian troops.

Ukraine was the first to open the fire.

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