The peace talks Summit in Switzerland, 15-16th of June 2024, was conceived as nothing more than peace monologue, an opportunity to expose the Ukrainian argument without the chance to be addressed, challenged or questioned, presented as beinng the position of United International Community, an attempt to make the event rather suggest that the whole audience gathered is pro-Ukrainian and anti-Russian, a deceitful way to assert the legitimacy of the disputed Ukrainian representants: Mr Zelensky as “president” even in an expired term and his chief aide Mr. Yermac that tries to suggest he is just as in charge as Mr Zelensky, by the way he approached business personalities at the summit.

None of them is a constitutional representant of Ukraine as in the Ukrainian constitution is stipulated that in case election can not be held by any reason, the interim president would automatically become the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian Parliament president), who is Mr  Ruslan Stefanchuk.

Mr Zelensky and Mr Yermac hold on to power in an abusive way, against the constitution and none of them is qualified to lead negotiations and sign any document as representatives of the Ukrainian people.

Peace plan talks were organised in a single sided Ukrainian pledge form concluded in an ultimatum-style document at the end of the Summit. Russia was sent a “free ticket to the show in the back seat” at this peace talk plans, not invited for a dialogue. Russians decided that they do not want to be humiliated by confronting a showy ultimatum.

Below you can see map with the signees and non-signees of the final “Communique”.

Even before Mr Zelensky’s passive aggressive poetry exposed at Switzerland Peace Talks on th 15th of June, Mr Vladimir Putin presented already on 14th of June an articulate, sharp and quite generous start of negotiations offer and state of the world statement that was much more talked about between the Switzerland peace talks invitees behind the scenes. Many of these invitees agreed to sign the “Comunique” to ease pressure off some invasive and intimidating institutions (EU and NATO).

The requests from Russia’s side in this starting negotiating point offer would be:

  1. Complete withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from the territories of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson (these are historically Russian territories populated by Russian speaking population, and Donetsk and Lugansk already declared their independence 10 years ago dissatisfied after anti-Russian new-president followed the 2014 Coup-d’etat)
  2. A neutral non-aligned, non-nuclear status for Ukraine (that will not include the Crimea, Donetsk , Lugansk Kherson and Zhaporishzhia)
  3. All  Russian sanctions lifted.

The offer was considered too generous by inside Russia business circles as it still allows Ukraine to have an army, and allows Ukraine to keep a corridor towards the Black Sea although these territories are not populated by Ukrainian population.

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