Political Vectors

A vector is force that has magnitude, direction and sense. A force will always produce an event, for example gravity is a vector it can make the rain or a bomb fall from the sky.

I am trying to understand what are the vectors that precipitate or make things happen on the political arena. Some vectors, according to my contemplation, are: war that creates wars of attrition, wealth that provokes financial wars or exploitation, ideologies that instigate to lobbying, secret services that generates wars against minds and hearts of people. All wars are just as dangerous and the least dangerous ones are the wars of attrition as armies can kill the current generations they are fighting against, yet financial wars for example can kill the hope for many generations to come. The difference is like war of attrition is the equivalent of a stab one still recovers from, while financial imperialism is like one being in a prison for tens of years, as financial imperialists are very difficult to be removed. You would rather prefer the stab even if you do not recover physically entirely, instead of a chain on your foot that does not allow you to go where you want, or a chain on your both hands that does not allow you to do what you want, or a chain on your neck that makes it clear to anyone you are the slave of who pulls that chain… Governance unfortunately is not about counting grains and steel sheets, building railways or hospitals but a constant war on these forces that attack again and again and again.

I explored these vectors from my perspective of a modest person in other articles I invite you to read at the links below: