I have to say it again and again because the territorial integrity issue is not presented in the media as it should be. The media present it as a minor detail, whilst in fact is a major one.
Ukraine as a state includes in its administration more than the historic Ukrainian land where live Ukrainian people that speak Ukrainian language that is a language as similar to Russian as 30 years ago in Ukraine the public inscription were only in Russian, as Ukrainians would easily understand Russian.
Other than Ukrainian land where live Ukrainian people that speak Ukrainian language Ukraine as state includes also:
Ex-Russian territories where live Russian people that speak Russian language: Donetsk, Lugansk Kharkiv, Zhaporozhizha, Odessa, Dnepopetrovsk, Donbas Crimea.
Ex-Romanian territories where live mainly or also Romanian people (in the mean time there was a major population displacement to reduce the Romanian cohabnitants) that speak Romanian language: the Budjak seaside and Northern Bucovina.
Ex-Hungarian territories where live Hungarian people that speak Hungarian language: Transcarpathia Eas.t
Ex-Polish territories: Lviv and Vlhynia.
If Poland, Hungary and Romania were not part of the same NATO, they would have claimed from Ukraine their territories back just like Russia claimed their own territories. Nobody voiced such a claim because being in NATO is not about territorial integrity, being in NATO means to pay membership to NATO and to do as you are told. Romania for example, instead of claiming its territories back from Ukraine was forced to give away to Ukraine $1 billion Patriot system, just like that.
NATO membership does not mean for these countries, nor independence, neither freedom of speech to say what an independent country would say: “We do not agree with the Ukrainian 1991 borders claim. Well done Russia took their land back, we want our territories back as well and Ukraine should have only Ukrainian land where live mainly Ukrainian people that speak Ukrainian language. Getting our territories back (which idea Putin agrees with as he declared already) would make up in a way for the hardship we all gone through during the Soviet era”. This is what independent states would say.
Victor Orban found a way to voice his concern even in 2014 when he asked autonomy for the Hungarian territory in Ukraine as you can see at the link below:
Last week Victor Orban approached President Zelensky again and said that he was not happy that Hungarian people are dying for a vain Ukrainian cause and that he, as Hungarian leader is looking forward to some real peace talks.
So, once again, from historic point of view, from demographic point of view and from a moral perspective Justice is not on Ukraine’s side regarding this 1991 territorial integrity, it serves only the EU/NATO expansionist agenda, but not the people that live in these territories.
If NATO was indeed a genuine organization, NATO should adjust things for people, people should not compromise for NATO, people should not lose independence for NATO, people should not lose freedom of speech for NATO, bleed for NATO, or get a nation to the point of extintion for NATO.