Turkey is not geographically an European country but rather an Asian country, but controls the passage between Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea and is an active member of the trade and security collaboration in the region. Due to its strategic position,Turkye is a NATO member since 1952.

Turkye signed a Customs Union agreement with the EU in 1995 and was officially recognised as a candidate for full membership on 12 December 1999, at the Helsinki summit of the European Council. Negotiations for full membership were started on 3 October 2005.

Out of 32 written down requirements Turkye addressed only 16 and the application got lost in the process. In the mean time China and Russia affirmed themselves on the political, trade and security arena, and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, one of those politicians that loves his country and wants to make it great again became more and more interested of the new, much more appealing directions BRICS promote.

If you want to sell your goods would you sell it to someone that spends money they do not have, or to someone that spends money that earn? This is the difference between EU and BRICS. EU is issuing never ending debt out of thin air, while BRICS countries earn money producing goods, making industry and agriculture, not making politics and propagating climate change alienating exagerations and theoreticizing 86 genders has absolute no relevance to anyone.

EU decided to make their best to get over Turkye’s Ciprus abusive claims, its muslim population’s customs that missmatch with human rights European standards and still invite Turkye to join their overspending club but Turkye seems to have made its mind to go for BRICS and participated also at the Shanghai Cooperation Organizations and has their own Organization of Turkic States.

The Organization of Turkic States (OTS), formerly called the Turkic Council or the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States, is an intergovernmental organization comprising all but one of the internationally recognized Turkic sovereign states: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, and Uzbekistan.

Turkye’s leader, like any other leader that wants to make his country great again aims to increase ties, collaboration and commitments with Russia , China and other BRICS members.

The decisive fact for Turkye to drop off EU is the EU’s decision to tax Chinese electrical vehicles with 38%. Turkye decided to protect its Turkish citizens and give them the opportunity to buy a decent electrical vehicle at a decent price, instead of protecting Eurocracy’s elites interest to maintain money making out of inflated prices on monopolized markets.

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