There is definitely something wrong with the West and this is not conspiracy theory but I invite you to consult with a business respectable and successful gentleman, in the video clip below.
I have to carefully choose my words as I am a citizen living in a Western country and I do not intend by any means to attack, to misinform, or to undermine the Western World countries stability or internal common mood. I am one of those who try to make a real picture of what happens in the world, because lies and partial “truth” will not go far and sooner or later we will confront the truth.
Most obvious wrong thing with the West I can speak without risking to go behind bars is the governmental overspending, debt issuance, money printing, easy money pushed in the society. This process started many decades ago and it was hunky-dory for a while, yet can not last for ever. Living on borrowed money is like recreational drug dependency. Borrowing supposed to be an extreme measure or at least a very carefully controlled one. Borrowing without paying back became borrowing more and more and never paying back and borrowing again and again and even if, let us say, we just do not pay back, we get to the point that nobody will be lending us money anymore, so we can not get on for ever. This massive amounts of money pushed in the society inflated the currencies in use and decreased the living standards, and continues to do so further down the road.
It is not the immigrants that dragged the Western World down. The immigrants are invited to immigrate in the Western world countries so that these governments have who to spend for in their targets to push money in the society.
The once upon a time period we look back towards with nostalgia can not come back soon because this debt steep slope all Western governments were imposed to proceed to, will not be addressed soon.
One borrowed money, spent it and time to pay back will definitely come.
All the Western world countries are heavily in debt, their governments push as much as they can borrowing again and again, more and more. Some of them try to address the gap between the borrowing and spending and decrease it, and these are countries that try to escape EU. Some of them push ahead this borrowing agenda, and sadly these countries that push the borrowing boundaries are all the EU countries.
But my message to you is that: it is not the immigrants, it is not Russia (by no means not Russia), it is not the high suicidal rate, it is not the war in Gaza… none of these that makes our currencies less and less valuable, and we can see that we buy less and less with the same amount of money. It is Western world countries governments that followed the same trend to destroy industry, becoming vulnerable to import from China and other emerging BRICS countries, to alter the agriculture becoming vulnerable to buy on borrowed money from BRICS countries, to de-carbonise , to borrow, to borrow to borrow money easily pushed in the society and that easy money will come to the point when we will be forced to work hard for hard money and that means pain. It is like one goes to party after party after party and that party does not have the taste of a party anymore but becomes a burden.
Western World is already tired of borrowing money, is getting to the point that can not absorb that much money like a sponge that, it is that much water can retain.
UK may be one of those countries that seriously tries to address this situation and make a U-Turn,but first thing is to balance the borrowing-spending ratio. This could be the reason of Brexit. Even if borrowing would steadily slowed down it is still a first big achievement.
The “own nothing and be happy” World Economic Forum plan is a way to make people spend more and more by renting, a strategy to increase the monthly contribution to this to that, because the real money for the Western elites comes when working people just pay something every month. You would say it does not make sense but we already pay so many things in installments, we may just go ahead and pay for everything, in enslaving installments instead of feeling free by just paying one down payment. Living standards decline is unavoidable. But however rainy days may come we can have sunshine in our heart by adopting the right attitude. I do not mean to depress you but to share the unavoidable truth.
Unlike the West, the BRICS countries are countries that restored their main earning capacities and addressed the borrowing, brought the borrowing under manageable limits and enjoy a steady, yet slow living standard rise, not decline. their living standard is also protected by the fact that their leaders encourage the real prices, not artificially inflated ones and speculation in business is kept at bay or under manageable limits.