Why should Russian people that speak Russian language , that identify themselves as Russian nationality and that live on historic Russian land be ruled by a Ukrainian government that hates Russia?
Why should Russian people that speak Russian language , that identify themselves as Russian nationality and that live on historic Russian land enter in EU that hates and loathe Russia?
Why should Russian people that speak Russian language , that identify themselves as Russian nationality and that live on historic Russian land be kept away from their country Russia?
This war is most unfair, is waged by a Ukrainian leadership that does not mind exterminate its people just for the sake of getting the land back in a fight right to the bitter end. I say it again and again: Soviet Union included Russian land under Ukraine administration just for the administration purposes and Russia did not mind to accept the 1991 borders, but in the mean time Ukrainians and especially their leaders became increasingly anti-Russian emotionally charged and Russo-phobic. Russians have all the rights to take their historic land back. One has the right to be governed by a government that includes them not by a government that hates them.
This severe case is another alarm: stop this war. Ukraine now still has in actual border more than Ukrainian land, soon Ukraine will lose even what they have now.